Blockchain crowdfunding

Idea: To make crowdfunding of small or big projects easier, in the style of Kickstarter. Same solution can be used also in various fund-raising or charity campaigns.

Functioning: Everybody can create new project and determine the amount of money and the final date. Other people can send money to support these projects, and when they gather the needed amount before the final date, all the funds will be sent to the project. Otherwise they will be returned to users.

Advantages: Thanks to the absence of middleman, the project will receive all the funds gathered, without any fees for the platform.

Disadvantages: Nowadays the high volatility of cryptocurrencies can be a problem - however already some stable cryptocurrencies exist, pegged for example to USD.

My ETH address:

Name of the project:

Desired amount of ETH:

Duration in hours:

List of active projects ():

Number Name Goal [ETH] Left [ETH] Expiration time [hours] Owner

List of successful past projects ():

List of unsuccessful past projects ():

Choose the project you want to support:

How much ETH you want to donate:

Choose the project you want to withdraw (only creator):

Choose the project you want to get refunded (only who contributed):