Blockchain tipping

Idea: Allow for an easy way to send donations in online world - sending small tips to artists, journalists or some random guys that are always helpful on forums.

Functioning: All it does is simply showing an address that the donation can be sent to. In the case of Bitcoin it can be done through QR code, in Ethereum one button is enough that will generate a transaction in Metamask to be sent on specific address.

Advantages: There is no need for any registration for both sending and receiving donations. Donation is sent in seconds and in couple clicks.

Disadvantages: There could be a way for a hacker to replace the address for his own, essentially redirecting the money to himself.

Bitcoin donating

You can click on the picture, nothing bad happens, I promise :)

Please Donate To Bitcoin Address: [[address]]

However, if you want to get rid of the loading gif, only F5 button or donating BTC to this address will help :)

Donation of [[value]] BTC Received. Thank You.

Ethereum donating